Typically, the average number of years to earn a doctorate degree online usually takes eight years to complete or twice as long to earn a bachelor’s degree.
However, the length of time required for full Ph.D. program completion varies according to your university, discipline, and program.
There are also academic institutions that accommodate students who are employed during the course of their enrollment. This can impact their schedule and result in extended periods in the Ph.D. program.
Which one is best for your needs? Ph.D. vs. Doctorate
Completion Times Vary
Did you know that a Ph.D. in the hard sciences usually takes a shorter time to complete than a doctorate degree in education, history, and humanities, which could take about 13 long years? Core requirements include full-time coursework, qualifying or comprehensive exams, a research course starting with a doctoral dissertation proposal, and finally, a successful defense of the dissertation.
Like campus-based teaching, reputable online doctorate programs that are regionally accredited require students to take core and elective courses. You will still do research, as well as write, present, and defend your dissertation, Your online school may also require internships and immersion programs.
While the numerous facets of online doctorate programs are similar to the conventional on-campus ones, certain accredited online schools offer doctorate degrees that can only take as little as four years, or five years at most, to complete.
This estimated period of completion is dependent upon many factors, including your field of study, your focus of research, and the committee or faculty overseeing the research. As with on-campus programs, your personal schedule and availability should also be considered.

Online Options
There are online Ph.D. courses that are 100% online, which means students are not required to be on campus. Meanwhile, some online programs adopt a hybrid model consisting of different residency levels. You can expect your online doctorate program to promote holistic academic growth, just as those in a brick-and-mortar academe do.
If you’ve earned your master’s degree upon application to an online Ph.D. program, you may have an edge in terms of academic credits. A master’s degree also helps if you are changing fields or if your undergraduate credentials don’t meet the standards of the doctorate program.
The Importance of Accreditation and Online Ph.D. Programs
Verify Accreditation
If you are applying to an online doctoral program, get specific, useful information first. Work with your academic adviser and speak with current and past students. An accredited online program may mean less time spent in university; however, this is by no means a shortcut.

To Sum It Up
In conclusion, the length of time you will spend completing your online doctorate degree is highly dependent upon a list of factors. Consider focusing on the study and program structure, requirements, and credit-transfer policies. Your personal circumstances also play a key role in your academic progress.
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